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We need your help with Freedom of Information requests

Are kids and their teachers taking more sick days this year?

Our answer to this question is a resounding YES! But we want the data to back it up. Our research team has been submitting Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to get this information — but school boards have come back with hefty price tags and tight deadlines.

That’s why we need your help!

We need to raise $5,000 by May 24th, 2024 or our open FOI files will be closed by the school boards!  

Send your donation today!

Any GoFundMe donations received up until the May 24th deadline will be put towards this important initiative.

Help us spread the word

Please share this call-to-action far and wide so we can collect the funds we need to raise awareness on issues related to indoor air quality in schools.

Because clean air in schools benefits everyone.

Help us get access to this key information that should be publicly available at no cost. We promise you — it’ll be worth it!

Ontario School Safety

© Ontario School Safety, 2023

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